April/May ShowJumping
1. hely - Donnerhit's Playboy, Popular Monster, Kapitny, Roses of LA
2. hely - C'est la Vie, Zathrian, Coberto, Super Nova, Random Grane
3. hely - Castanic Lover, Paradise in the Night, Rioghan Rua, Fortunate Countdown, Arkihemdesz
1. hely - Mal'Ganis, Luxurious Line, Utah van X, Souvenir's Chubakko, Sergeant Pepper, LA Guns
2. hely - Grannus Canasta, Nevereverland's King, Der Senaat, Sandro Heat, Chained to the Rhythm
3. hely - Windsong Abyss of Time, Quizarro, Windsong Wow, Diamond R, Doneer Blue
1. hely - Canadian Assasin, Carlson Invidual d'Ecaussines, Skyrim, Super Sox, Hermes d'Ecaussines
2. hely - Gul'Dan, Aytigin, Corofino, Casello, Hermes Ryan, Kassender van't Ruysterhof
3. hely - Sylvanas, Mumbai, Going Global, Sultane des Ibis
1. hely: 50.000 + BEST Horse
2. hely: 30.000 + GREAT Horse
3. hely: 10.000 + GOOD Horse